Lotte Kopecky crowns herself the European time trial champion in her own country

Lotte Kopecky crowns herself the European time trial champion in her own country

"I could push the Watts like I wanted"


That Lotte Kopecky is an all-rounder became clear once again at the European time trial championships. The 28-year-old world road champion crowned herself European time trial champion in an amazing time of 39.00 minutes. In doing so, she completed the 31.3-kilometre time trial a whopping 43.6 seconds faster than silver medallist Ellen Van Dijk. ‘European champion for the first time and that in my own country. This is wonderful."

Linked race European ITT Championships

Lotte Kopecky: ‘Somehow I enjoyed this time trial, thanks to a realistic pace plan. At the start I immediately felt that the prescribed numbers were ‘easily’ achievable and that I always had some reserve. I was happy that I was always able to achieve the prescribed power levels. However, I had to learn how best to divide my effort in a 31.3-kilometre time trial. Between kilometre ten and five of the end you could make a huge difference. There the wind was completely against us. This European title is for me confirmation that I made the right choice by riding the time trial on the European Championships and skipping the road race.’

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